
  • Policy

Guests are not allowed until the participant has been engaged in the program for a minimum of 4 weeks.

All guests must sign in and obtain a guest badge from the on-duty staff person upon entering the community and must sign out when they leave.

Upon first visit, all guests must read and sign a Guest Community Agreement.

The community staff reserve the right to ask any guest behaving in an unsafe or harmful manner to leave the property immediately.

There may be up to 6 total guests on the property at any time. Residents must give the resident manager 24-hour notice before guests arrive and indicate their intended length of stay so that staff can ensure that there will not be more than 4 guests on-site at a time.

Overnight guests are not allowed to stay longer than 1 night per week and not more than 4 nights total within a 1-month period. One may be considered a consistent guest if they have visited the Village at least 8 times over a 2 month period. The landlord may give written permission for such a guest to stay up to 2 nights per week and not more than 8 nights within a 1-month period. The Landlord reserves the right to limit the number of guests or deny overnight guests.

Children or minors visiting the property must be supervised at all times by an adult. h. The participant is responsible for any damages caused by their guests. The participant 21 shall be responsible for repair charges, if any.

If a participant brings a guest and fails to have that guest sign in or deliberately has them stay more nights than the allowable limit, that participant will lose guest privileges for a minimum of 1 month from the date of the incident.

The participant shall be fully responsible for the conduct of their guests and invitees. If a guest exhibits problematic behavior, it is up to the discretion of the Resident Manager to determine an appropriate means of addressing the situation, which may include that guest being prohibited from returning to the Village.


