Democracy is a political system in which power is vested in the people and exercised by them, either directly or through elected representatives. It is characterized by free and fair elections, equal participation, protection of individual rights, and the rule of law. In a democracy, decisions are made collectively, with each person having an equal say in the process. This system promotes inclusiveness, diverse perspectives, and fairness by giving everyone a voice, regardless of their background or achievements. Overall, democracy aims to ensure that government actions reflect the will of the majority while still safeguarding minority rights.

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Democracy is a political system in which power is vested in the people and exercised by them, either directly or through elected representatives. It is characterized by free and fair elections, equal participation, protection of individual rights, and the rule of law. In a democracy, decisions are made collectively, with each person having an equal say in the process. This system promotes inclusiveness, diverse perspectives, and fairness by giving everyone a voice, regardless of their background or achievements. Overall, democracy aims to ensure that government actions reflect the will of the majority while still safeguarding minority rights.



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