Build more housing

  • Goal

The provision of additional housing stock is a critical component of realizing equitable and sustainable communities.

Building more housing help to reduce the affordability gap in housing markets.

When there is a shortage of housing, prices tend to increase, making it more difficult for low- and middle-income households to afford housing. By increasing the supply of housing, we can help to bring prices down and make housing more affordable for all.

Building more housing help to address the issue of homelessness.

When there is not enough housing for everyone, people are more likely to become homeless. By building more housing, we can help to reduce the number of people who are homeless and provide them with a safe and stable place to live.

Building more housing help to create more vibrant and diverse communities.

By promoting the use of innovative materials and construction techniques that are more eco-friendly, as well as by locating housing closer to jobs and schools.

The construction of new housing units can help to mitigate the environmental impact of our communities.

By promoting the use of innovative materials and construction techniques that are more eco-friendly, as well as by locating housing closer to jobs and schools.


Build more housing


To ensure that everyone in a community has a safe and affordable place to live.


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