Press release

  • Type

Explanation of Press release type attributes:

  • Avatar, a square image with a minimum 500px by 500px resolution.

  • Related topics, topics connected to the press release.

  • Claims about, to complete, comment, question or refute the press release.

  • Claims from, key insights derived from the press release, highlighting its pivotal aspects or conclusions.

  • Tags, help in filtering tables and sorting the entity

  • Publisher, press releases can be published by corporations and businesses, government agencies, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, individuals or public figures, public relations firms, and event organizers.

  • Web URL, to access the original press release

  • Publish date, when the press release was issued

  • Quotes from, press releases are considered primary sources, their content is generally copyright free which allows quotations


Press release


An official communication issued to media outlets, offering information, an official stance, or an announcement intended for public dissemination. It serves as a primary source, directly conveying original information or news from the issuing entity to the media and, subsequently, to the public.
